Thursday, March 29, 2012

Experiential: The Crystal Connection

In a world filled with ‘stuff’, where globalisation and the GFC rains supreme, consumers, particularly of a younger demographic, are pulled towards products which offer a connection. This may be an experiential connection with the product itself or a connection with local and DIY production, the process of production or with the designer himself or herself.  Viewpoint Issue 29 outlines experiential design by stating:

With so many products vying for our attention, only the truly experiential will win. Designers are striving to create pieces that engage, captivate and challenge the senses, encouraging us to connect on an emotional level with the objects that we surround ourselves with. (Franklintill 2011).

The use of crystals in Dominique’s jewellery create connection with nature and possibly even with the energy of the crystals themselves. As outrageous as the following short film, created by The Selby (2012) is, it does portray a strong connection to the natural material of crystals.

William Edons Crystal Corner Video

On asking Dominique where she purchased her captivating jewellery from, she revealed she designed and crafted the pieces herself, as designer of her own small jewellery label Arlia. Arlia started when Dominique began creating jewellery for her friends whom wanted originality and genuine materials in their jewellery, without the hefty price tag attached. The business grew from here through friends of friend wanting a piece of the jewellery as well as the aid of the Arlia Facebook page.  The Hactivate Macro Trend for A/W 13/14 shows that an open source world “drives a generation of makers to use it as a design principle, Google-sourcing, apps, 3D technology and social networking enable do-it-yourself design”(WGSN C 2012) and it certainly has aided Arlia’s success. As outlined by Jeffery Sachs on The Business of Fashions Long view (2012), fashion “is finding fantastic ways to bring the values of fashion and link them with incredible artistry and local culture”.  And in terms of Arlia’s success I couldn’t agree more!        

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