Thursday, March 29, 2012

Minimalism: The Simple Man

The minimalistic look depicted above, provide physical comfort and resonates a laidback attitude. The 21st Century Romantic Macro Trend for A/W 13/14, as outlined on WGSN states “Nature is used as a visual source to bring emotion, imagination and spontaneity into the often uncompromising lines of modern minimalism” (WGSN A, 2012).  Therefore the muted and natural tones of the garments add a romantic softness and warmth, representative of the developing soft minimalistic look. The simplicity, functionality and durability of the garments are a result of an economic and technologically driven consumer attitude.  This view is explicitly displayed in Viewpoint 28, where Frankintill (2011) states that, “as a response to the recession, frugality manifests itself through the products we consume and use,” and therefore “products and environments that are enduring, functional and simple are more desirable.” The WGSN 2013 Consumer Forecast also backs up this view, in quoting a consumer report commissioned by American Express, stating “consumers are shaken, and are therefore more careful, considered and focused on getting the best value and quality in their purchases” (WGSN B 2011). Furthermore, Viewpoint 29 reveals (Cheshire 2011, 141), the trend is driven by a technological overload where “modern devices are crammed with a bewildering variety of functions. Now consumers are seeking products which do just one thing – but do it well.”  An article in The Scotsman Newspaper (2012) also shows startling statistics, in which ‘technology fatigue’ is experienced by 1 in 7 office workers, thus driving a need to minimise not only the overwhelming amounts of technology, but also resort back to simpler and more functional attire.  

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